Building Brands
that are future ready!

With the evolution of the business environment and the exponential rise of social media platforms, it has become critical for brands to adopt an integrated communication approach. The messaging also is not just restricted to products, services, and programs, but also encompasses the culture and core values of the brand. 

4I Methodology

To achieve the desired positioning and ensure consistent results across platforms, Canvas Communications follows the '4 I' methodology to design and implement customised services for our clients.


The first step towards creating an effective solution is to understand the client. We delve deep into the core business of our clients, the needs and demands of their customers, and analyse their position with respect to the target market.


Empowered by a clear vision backed by numbers, the next step is to Innovate and create communication strategies. Our air is to create campaigns that appeal to the audience across platforms and break through the clutter.


Backed by content that is bound to hold the audiences' attention, we work towards making the big splash. We amplify the communication across platforms to create engagement and influence the market sentiment.


With a result-oriented approach, we conduct an in-depth analysis of all outcomes to draw maximum benefit from each campaign. We optimize the insights to take the brand to the next level.

Our Services


Great brands don't just convey, they Evoke!

Strategic Communications

The ability to express an idea well is as important as the idea itself!


There is no second chance to create the first impression!


Think about what the user is going to type

Press conference and Events

Harness the power of the fourth estate!

Issues and Crisis Communications

A crisis is an opportunity riding a dangerous wind!
